Fargesia murieliae

   murieliae '1992' Fargesia murieliae 1992 has been removed from the collection. This is the story: In 1992 I received from Mike Bell the first 12 seeds of Fargesia murieliae which had started flowering. Five seedlings came up and became reasonably good plants. These were planted in a garden in Valkenswaard where there was already a small Fargesia murieliae. After a few years the owner asked me if I wanted these bamboos back, because he had other plans for his garden. Among these plants I discovered a really nice specimen, which I planted in my garden on the same spot where my Fargesia murieliae had been flowering. It grew to a very fine plant and I could hardly believe that amongst my five seedlings one so closely resembled the old murieliae, as others had to go through thousands of seedlings to find a few usable plants. I tried to be humble, but Fargesia murieliae 1992 was spread as new generation by experts and colleagues and praised by quite a few. With the name ‘1992’ I wanted to make clear that this plant, sown in 1992, belonged to the new generation. Until I -and some others as well- discovered the flowers in spring 2011. At first I thought nature had made a mistake and that this bamboo painfully surprised us with premature flowering. Now I know that together with the five seedlings I also received the small Fargesia murieliae already growing in that garden. This was an in-vitro (lab) reproduced old Fargesia murieliae that was rejuvenated by hormonal treatment and that because of its long delayed flowering just recently revealed its true identity. Sorry.

   Murieliae 1992 Fargesia murieliae 1992 bola odstránená z kolekcie. Toto je príbeh: V roku 1992 som dostal od Mike-a Bella prvých 12 sadeníc z Fargesia murieliae, ktorá začala kvitnúť. Päť z nich vyrástlo v pekné rastliny. Tieto boli zasadené v záhrade vo Valkenswaarde kde už bola malá rastlina Fargesia murieliae. Po pár rokoch sa ma majiteľ záhrady spýtal, či chcem tieto bambusy späť, lebo mal iné plány pre svoju záhradu. Medzi tými to rastlinami som našiel veľmi pekný kus, podobný môjmu, ktorý mi zakvitol v mojej záhrade. Bola veľmi pekná a ťažko som mohol uveriť že z piatich sadeníc len jedna sa tak pekne podobala pôvodnej murieliae. Ostatní museli zasadiť stovky sadeníc, aby našli použiteľné rastliny. Skúsil som byť trpezlivý, ale Fargesia murieliae bola rozšírená ako nová generácia expertmi a kolegami chválená len málokým. S prívlastkom “1992“ som sa chcel uistiť, či táto rastlina, zasiata v roku 1992, patrila medzi novú generáciu objavenú mnou a inými na jar roku 2011. Najprv som si myslel, že príroda sa zmýlila a tento bambus nás prekvapil skorým kvitnutím. Teraz však viem, že spolu s piatimi sadenicami som získal aj malú Fargesia murieliae, ktorá už vtedy rástla v tejto záhrade. Tá bola in-vitro (laboratórne) rozmnožená stará Fargesia murieliae, ktorá bola omladená hormonálnou kúrou a takto ukázalo svoj pravý pôvod jej omeškané kvitnutie. Prepáčte.
